Why Creative Students

Choose to Attend
F.I.R.S.T. Institute

Who is F.I.R.S.T. Institute?

F.I.R.S.T. stands for the Florida Institute of Recording, Sound, and Technology.

Our mission is to provide students with the ability to pursue creative career paths both affordably and within a realistic timeline.

We offer four robust programs that give students hands-on experience led by industry professionals and the necessary training to help land a creative career in their desired field:

Learn all aspects of high-definition cinema and video development, production, and broadcast through a hands-on experience. You’ll become familiar with technology found in the field and used by professionals worldwide.

Add all the essentials of digital photography to your toolbelt through instructors and technology, providing you with hands-on training in all facets of the photography industry.

Unlock the essentials of graphic design and web development — basic computer skills, multimedia design, graphics, web programming, and more. Throughout the program, you’ll get a hands-on education and become well-versed in using the technology required to begin your career.

Discover the fundamentals of recording arts and show production, including live sound reinforcement and audio-visual production. You’ll work within various audio environments (studio, location, installation, and live settings) while being mentored by industry professionals.

Here’s What F.I.R.S.T. Institute Can Offer You

Take a closer look at F.I.R.S.T. Institute to see what our educational programs offer to creative students like you:

Why F.I.R.S.T. Institute?

Often, students decide to attend our creative institution rather than a traditional four-year college because of the unique benefits and career-driven educational format they enjoy as a F.I.R.S.T. Institute student:

“I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand.” – Confucius

The key to the F.I.R.S.T. Institute teaching philosophy is to give our students hands-on training while showing them how to conquer real-world industry projects head-on. We call this structure the “Hear it, See it, Do it” teaching method. First, your instructor introduces the task at hand and explains the best approach for tackling it. Next, they demonstrate how to accomplish it, and then it’s your turn to try it yourself.

At F.I.R.S.T. Institute, creating the best learning experience for each student begins with a commitment to keep class sizes small. Many schools, colleges, and institutions choose to enroll as many students as possible, packing classrooms with 100 or more students and minimizing contact between students and teachers. At F.I.R.S.T. Institute, we keep our classes small to ensure students have as much access to instructors as possible.

Members of our teaching faculty are encouraged to remain active in the industry they represent. Because our faculty members maintain industry careers outside of teaching, our students benefit from their insight into the current professional atmosphere. There is no better way to learn about the ins and outs of a particular industry than by picking the brain of someone who currently works in it!

Toward the end of your program, you will compile your projects into a professional demo reel. This is a crucial part of your portfolio, as it will demonstrate your knowledge to potential employers. Not only is the demo reel a showcase of your work, but it is also a tool you can use to explain your ideas, approaches, and techniques to interviewers in the future.

Not only will you be working and networking with professionals throughout your time in the program, but you will also begin preparing and perfecting your professional image as a part of your studies. During the program, you will gain a foundation in marketing that will help you develop a personal brand. You’ll learn about maintaining a professional social media presence, building a website, creating business cards, and more. Our Career Services advisors will work with you one-on-one to review your resume, cover letter, and portfolio.

With the cost of education rising each year, F.I.R.S.T. Institute is proud to offer practical, thorough, high-quality instruction at a fraction of the cost of comparable educational programs. We encourage students to contact our Financial Aid advisors to discuss their scholarship and student loan options. After acceptance to the program, they will help you determine whether you qualify for Federal Student Aid and help put together a payment plan that works in your best interest.

F.I.R.S.T. Institute is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education of the State of Florida and accredited by the Accrediting Council of Continuing Education and Training, an agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.

At F.I.R.S.T. Institute, we understand that life is fluid and that the opportunity to learn and grow should also be flexible. For this reason, we have created two types of classroom environments. The first is the traditional on-campus experience that most are accustomed to. The second is our IDL (Interactive Distance Learning) program which allows students to learn from the comfort of their homes. Both options still offer students the benefits of small class sizes with the ability to receive one-on-one support from instructors.

Our programs are designed to provide the education you need in less time than most comparable digital media schools. Through our program, students graduate in less than a year. Meanwhile, courses at a traditional college can take 4+ years to complete.

At F.I.R.S.T. Institute, we understand that, for many students, such extended programs are simply not an option. With our in-depth, accelerated courses, you will become confident in the skills needed to enter the professional world in less than half the time of a traditional college program.

When you attend F.I.R.S.T. Institute, you are giving yourself the opportunity to focus on your career from day one. You will not be required to take general education classes like English, Science, History, or Math to graduate from our accredited programs.

Our intensive, concentrated coursework is designed to give you experience in the same scenarios that industry professionals face every day and to help you on your way to becoming an expert in your chosen field.

Interested In Learning More?

Why F.I.R.S.T. Institute?

Often, students decide to attend our creative institution rather than a traditional four-year college because of the unique benefits and career-driven educational format they enjoy as a F.I.R.S.T. Institute student:


“I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand.” – Confucius

The key to the F.I.R.S.T. Institute teaching philosophy is to give our students hands-on training while showing them how to conquer real-world industry projects head-on. Every lesson is taught in three ways to provide students as thorough an understanding as possible. We call this structure the “Hear it, See it, Do it” method of teaching.

First, your instructor introduces the task at hand and explains the best approach for tackling it, next they demonstrate how to accomplish it, and then it’s your turn to try it for yourself. You and your fellow students will complete every project step by step, with time in between to ask questions and explore the possibilities of the software and equipment in our cutting-edge facilities. You’ll have your hands on the gear, getting a feel for the equipment from day one!

2. Small Class Sizes

At F.I.R.S.T. Institute, creating the best learning experience for each student begins with a commitment to keep class sizes small. Many colleges choose to enroll as many students as possible, packing classrooms with 100 or more students and minimizing contact between students and teachers. At F.I.R.S.T. Institute, we choose our students carefully, and the average class will have only 12-14 students.

Our low student-to-teacher ratio ensures that each and every one of our students gets the time and attention they need to excel. We want you to have the opportunity to ask complex and detailed questions, and we want our instructors to have the time to address each question fully — something that isn’t always possible in large classes!

3. Learn From Industry Professionals

Members of our teaching faculty are encouraged to remain active in the industry they represent. They love what they do, and they want to share it in a way that has the most impact — that’s why they teach at F.I.R.S.T. Institute! Because members of our faculty maintain successful careers outside of teaching, our students get the benefit of their insight into the current professional atmosphere.

There is no better way to learn about the ins and outs of a particular industry than by picking the brain of someone who currently works in it! With us, you can rest assured that you are learning the most relevant material to the digital media industry and keeping on top of the latest trends.

4. Build a Relevant Portfolio

You will undertake a variety of projects during your time at F.I.R.S.T. Institute. Each project has been carefully designed to provide you with relevant skills and experience in your chosen area. We base our projects on real-world tasks that digital media professionals undertake in the workplace often, so every project is thoughtfully designed to further your industry knowledge.

Toward the end of your program, you will compile your projects into a professional demo reel. This is a crucial part of your portfolio, as it will demonstrate your knowledge to potential employers. Not only is the demo reel a showcase of your work, but it is also a tool you can use to explain your ideas, approaches, and techniques to interviewers in the future. This showcase of your student projects will provide proof of a solid background in the practical application of your new skills and will give you confidence in your search for employment.

5. Professional Development

Not only will you be working and networking with professionals throughout your time in the program, but you will also begin preparing and perfecting your professional image as a part of your studies. Our Career Development counselors will work with you one-on-one to help develop your resume, craft your cover letters, design your business cards, format your portfolio, and generate an effective social media presence across various channels.

Many employment strategies will be discussed in class, and your instructors will even conduct mock interviews to help you practice self-presentation and effective interview techniques. You will have the chance to graduate with invaluable internship experience, and F.I.R.S.T. Institute will continue to offer support in your job search and connect you with employment opportunities through companies that love hiring our students even after you graduate. By graduation, you will be very familiar with the current job outlook of the ever-changing digital media industry.


One of F.I.R.S.T. Institute’s central goals is to provide you with an exceptional education at an affordable cost. Education is an investment in your future, and we want to help you make that investment wisely.

With the cost of education rising each year, F.I.R.S.T. Institute is proud to offer practical, thorough, high-quality instruction at a fraction of the cost of comparable educational programs. We encourage students to get in touch with our Financial Aid advisors to discuss their financial and student loan options. After acceptance to the program, they will help you determine whether you qualify for Federal Student Aid and help put together a payment plan that works in your best interest.

7. Licensed and Accredited Institution

F.I.R.S.T. Institute is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education of the State of Florida and accredited by the Accrediting Council of Continuing Education and Training, an agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.

8. Flexible Learning Options

At F.I.R.S.T. Institute, we understand that life is fluid and that the opportunity to learn and grow should also be flexible. For this reason, we have created two forms of attending class. The first is the traditional on-campus in-person experience that most are accustomed to, the second is our IDL (Interactive Distance Learning) program which allows students to learn from the comfort of their homes. Both options still offer students the benefits of small class sizes with the ability to receive one-on-one support from instructors.

We’ve discovered how rewarding it can be to work in your dream industry every single day, and we aim to share that gift with our students. Our friendly, accessible staff and faculty are here to help every step of the way, and we encourage students to take advantage of their knowledge and experience at every opportunity!

9. Graduate in 10 – 11 Months

Our programs are designed to provide you with the education you need in less time than most comparable digital media schools. Through our program, students graduate in less than a year. Meanwhile, courses at a traditional college can take 4+ years to complete.

At F.I.R.S.T. Institute, we understand that, for many students, such extended programs are simply not an option. With our in-depth, accelerated courses, you will become confident in the skills that you need to enter the professional world in less than half the time of a traditional college program. With our flexible schedules, students are also able to work part-time and even full-time jobs while getting their education.


When you attend F.I.R.S.T. Institute, you are giving yourself the opportunity to focus on your career from day one. Every assignment that you complete here will link directly to your professional development. You will not be required to take general education classes like English, Science, History, or Math in order to graduate from our accredited programs.

Our intensive, concentrated coursework is designed to give you experience in the same situations that industry professionals face every day and to help you on your way to becoming an expert in your chosen field. Why focus on busy work when you could be learning the skills that really matter for what you want to do?

Interested In Learning More?

Hear From Our Students