September 14, 2023

How To Create a Portfolio Website to Land Jobs

Creating a Graphic Design Portfolio Website: Your Path to Success

So, you’ve got the talent and passion for graphic design, but you’re struggling to assemble a portfolio website that showcases your skills and lands you clients. Fear not! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a graphic design portfolio website that not only looks great but also effectively markets your services and gets you work.


Portfolio Principles

Tailor Your Portfolio to Your Ideal Client:

The first rule of creating an impactful portfolio is to tailor it to your ideal client. With the vast scope of graphic design needs out there, you can’t be everything to everyone. Instead, choose a niche that resonates with you. Whether it’s sports, website design, or even a specialized niche like sports logo design, focusing on a specific area allows you to stand out.

Graphic designer speaking with client

When building your portfolio website, center it around your chosen niche. For instance, if you specialize in website design, don’t include unrelated projects like business cards, no matter how cool they may be. Assume that visitors will notice the weakest and least relevant work in your portfolio; this is why making every piece count is essential.


Your Portfolio Is Part of Your Portfolio:

Remember, your portfolio website is an integral part of your portfolio itself. It’s the first thing potential clients will see. Ensure that your website showcases your design skills effectively.


Describe How You Solve Problems:

Your portfolio should not only look good but also demonstrate your problem-solving abilities. Include case studies that showcase your understanding of the challenges businesses face and your capability to provide innovative solutions. Describe the problem, your strategies to tackle it, and the results achieved for each project.

Graphic designer explains how her work has helped someone


Quality Over Quantity:

Quality always trumps quantity when it comes to portfolio pieces. Avoid overwhelming viewers with an excess of projects. By focusing on showcasing your best work, you increase the chances of making a lasting impression.


No Clients, No Problem

If you’re new to the field and lack client work, there are ways to start building your portfolio:

Spec Work: Create unsolicited design concepts or completed projects for well-known brands (e.g., Coca-Cola or Nike) to demonstrate your skills and sensibilities.


Design Competitions: Participate in design contests on platforms like 99designs or DesignCrowd. Winning contests can help build your portfolio and client base.


Volunteer for Charities and Local Businesses: Offer your services to charities and small local businesses for free. This experience can translate into valuable portfolio pieces and potential future clients.


Best Website Builders

Creating an impressive portfolio website may seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re not well-versed in coding or web design. Fortunately, there are user-friendly platforms available that simplify the process, allowing you to focus on showcasing your creative talents rather than wrangling with code. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best website builders tailored for designers:

  1. Wix

Wix is a popular website builder known for its user-friendly interface and an array of stunning design templates. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned designer, Wix offers a wide range of options to create a portfolio site that suits your unique style. You can easily customize templates, add images, and arrange content with a simple drag-and-drop editor. Plus, Wix provides hosting services, making it a one-stop solution for your online presence.

  1. Squarespace

Squarespace is another excellent choice for designers seeking to build a visually striking portfolio website. Renowned for its elegant and responsive templates, Squarespace offers a seamless experience for both desktop and mobile users. Its intuitive design editor empowers you to fine-tune every aspect of your site’s appearance, from fonts and colors to layout and spacing. Squarespace also provides robust e-commerce capabilities if you wish to sell your design work or services directly from your site.

  1. Adobe Portfolio

For those already subscribed to Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Portfolio is a fantastic option. Designed specifically for creatives, this tool seamlessly integrates with Adobe’s suite of applications, allowing you to showcase your design projects with ease. Adobe Portfolio provides an array of professionally designed templates to choose from and offers seamless synchronization with Behance, a platform where designers can share their work and connect with other professionals in the field.

Each of these website builders offers design-specific templates and user-friendly interfaces, making them suitable for designers at any skill level. Whether you’re a beginner looking to establish your online presence or an experienced designer seeking a platform that aligns with your creative vision, these builders have got you covered.

Graphic designer building website

Remember, the key to a successful portfolio website lies not just in the platform you choose but also in the content you showcase and the way you present your work. Use these tools to your advantage, and let your creativity shine through in every aspect of your portfolio site.


Web Basics

While these platforms are user-friendly, keep a few principles in mind to maximize your portfolio’s effectiveness:

Custom URL: Invest in a custom, memorable URL (e.g., through your website builder or third-party providers.

Global Styles: Maintain consistent colors and fonts across your site using global styles.

– Load Speed: Optimize image sizes to ensure quick site loading. Slow websites can deter potential clients.

Usability: Make navigation easy and create hierarchies for different types of deliverables or industries.

Call to Action: Include clear calls to action (e.g., “Get In Touch” or “Book a Design Consultation”) to facilitate contact.


Visibility: Getting Your Portfolio in Front of the Right Eyes

You’ve put in the hard work, built a stunning portfolio website, and filled it with your best design projects. Now, it’s time to ensure that your masterpiece gets the attention it deserves. After all, even the most remarkable portfolio won’t yield results if it remains hidden in the depths of the internet. Here’s how to boost the visibility of your portfolio:

  1. Integrate It Into Your Resume: Your resume is often the first point of contact with potential employers or clients. Make sure to include a direct link to your portfolio website on your resume. This provides an easy and direct path for anyone reviewing your qualifications to explore your work further.
  1. Leverage Your Social Channels: Social media is a powerful tool for self-promotion. Share your portfolio on platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Craft engaging posts that highlight your recent projects, creative process, and the impact of your work. Use relevant hashtags to increase discoverability, and encourage your network to share your posts with their connections.
  1. Utilize QR Codes: Consider adding QR codes to your business cards and promotional materials. These codes, when scanned with a smartphone, can instantly direct individuals to your portfolio website. They provide a convenient way for people you meet at networking events or conferences to access your work with a simple scan.
  1. Network and Collaborate: Building relationships within your industry can open doors to new opportunities. Attend industry events, workshops, and conferences, and share your portfolio with fellow professionals. Collaborations with other designers, agencies, or businesses can also lead to exposure and referrals.
  1. Optimize for Search Engines (SEO): Ensure that your portfolio website is search engine optimized. Use relevant keywords in your website’s content and metadata to improve its ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher your website ranks, the more likely it is to be discovered by potential clients or employers when they search for design services in your niche.
  1. Guest Blogging: Consider writing guest blog posts for design-related websites or industry publications. Include links to your portfolio in your author bio. Sharing your expertise through valuable content can establish you as an authority in your field and drive traffic to your website.
  1. Email Signature: Don’t forget to add a link to your portfolio in your email signature. Every email you send becomes an opportunity for the recipient to explore your work further.
  1. Online Directories: Register your portfolio website on online directories and platforms that feature design professionals. Websites like Behance, Dribbble, and AIGA offer opportunities to showcase your work and connect with potential clients or collaborators.

With these tools in your arsenal, you can create a stunning portfolio website showcasing your graphic design prowess. If you found this guide helpful and would like to know more about how you can launch your web and graphic design career, we invite you to take a personalized tour of our Graphic Design and Web Development program.
